From The Padded Cell

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Sen. Jon Kyl (r)Arizona/potential presidential candidate. Bill Clinton/presidential failure who does not know the meaning of "is" and thinks the seventh commandment reads that "Thou shall not admit adultery". Hillary Clinton/more dangerous than a junk yard bitch dog .Anthony Romero,Executive Director of American Civil Liberties Union/openly gay and secretly subversive leader of a subversive organization,which is not American nor civil.Sec.Rice/potential presidential candidate,John Negroponte,National Intelligence Director/trustworthy public official.Gordon Brown,British Chancellor of the exchequer,in line to replace Tony Blair when he steps down as leader in the labor party/very able and distinguished public official. Sen.Chuck Schumer(D) New York/Mafia mouthpiece.Helen Thomas,Hearst NewsPapers,columnist/if Moses had heard her speak there would have been an eleventh commandment"Thou shall engage thy brain before running thy mouth."Ray Nagin,Mayor of New Orleans/should have been a bus driver. Diane Watson (D) Ca./level headed. Zell Miller (D) Ga./the likes of which makes me proud to have been a democrat .

Friday, February 24, 2006

More rants and ravings:
Scholars Ranks Top Ten Presidential Mistakes

Presidents have made their share of egregious errors, but now there's a list ranking the worst. A survey organized by the University of Louisville lists President James Buchanan as being responsible for the biggest mistake. He tops the list for failing to avoid the Civil War. Bill Clinton's relations with an intern lands at number ten. Scholars say that incident probably affected Clinton's presidency more than it did American history. Andrew Johnson's decision to oppose improvements in justice for Southern blacks ranks second and Lyndon Johnson takes the number three spot for allowing the Vietnam War to intensify. Other notables include Richard Nixon's Watergate cover-up -- fifth -- and John F. Kennedy is eighth for allowing the Bay of Pigs Invasion. That led to the Cuban Missile Crisis. Here are the top 10 presidential errors:1: James Buchanan's failure to aver the Civil War. 2: Andrew Johnson's decision just after the Civil War to side with Southern whites and oppose improvements in justice for Southern blacks beyond abolishing slavery. 3: Lyndon Johnson's allowing the Vietnam War to intensify. 4: Woodrow Wilson's refusal to compromise on the Treaty of Versailles after World War I. 5: Richard Nixon's involvement in the Watergate cover-up. 6: James Madison's failure to keep the United States out of the War of 1812 with Britain. 7: Thomas Jefferson's Embargo Act of 1807, a self-imposed prohibition on trade with Europe during the Napoleonic Wars. 8: John F. Kennedy's allowing the Bay of Pigs Invasion that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis. 9: Ronald Reagan and the Iran-Contra Affair, the effort to sell arms to Iran and use the money to finance an armed anti-communist group in Nicaragua. 10: Bill Clinton's relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Copyright 2006 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
Mark Raines, News Director Created: 2/18/2006 7:05:14 PMUpdated: 2/18/2006 7:05:46 PM
I came across this article the other day and it got me thinking(my wife tells me that I should be careful in doing this because it could over tax my mind)anyhow I remembered a book I had read some fifty years ago: Man-Real And Ideal by Edwin Grant Conklin, who said that although man had progressed scientifically he had not progressed intellectuality in the last 2000 years. Then I remembered about reading this some years ago:
Cicero Was Right ~ -
More than 2,OOO years ago, Cicero listed the following six mistakes of man:1. The delusion that individual advancement is made by crushing others.2. The tendency to worry about things that cannot be changed,3. Insisting that a thing is Impossible because we cannot accomplish it.4. Refusing to set aside trivial preferences,5. Neglecting development and refinement of the mind and not acquiring the habit of reading and study.6. Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do. signed Zarc

Thursday, February 23, 2006

With all the viruses and Trojan horses showing up on the internet I recall a story years ago that in a particular neighborhood in one of our larger cities that the insurance companies noticed that they were paying out an exhorbant amount of claims for broken windshields so they investigated and found out that one outfit that specialized in replacing windshields was paying kids to throw beer bottles thru windshields in this neiborhood in order to increase there business. Makes one wonder if there is some connection between the outbreak of viruses and the solfware companies that sell virus protection programs,perhaps an adaptation of the protection racket???????? Ocassional(whenever I get around to it)impressions of people in the news.Pres. Bush/our country is damm luckey to have him as president.Jimmie Carter/good man but can not accept that their is evil in this world.George Bush Sr./One of our better former presidents.John Mccain/an honorable public official.Sen. Bryd/old man you have to respect,even when disagreeing with him.Al Gore/egghead with hoof and mouth desease.Donald Runsfeld/public official doing a great job.Condie Rice/worthy presidential candidate.Collan Powell/another worthy presidential candidate.Sandy Berger/should be in jail.Ann Coulter/nice to look at and great to hear her speak with a lot of understanding on all issues.Cindy Sheehan/mother whose grief has clouded her vision.John Dean/side show barker in a circus.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

So cool Posted by Picasa Be sure to share these pics with the kids in your lives... they are amazing!!!
Albino Fawn from folks who live on Bolivar Peninsula, Texas. A very eventful day around here... A once in many lifetimes experience!Mark saw this Iii' feller run out in front of a car, thought it was a lost baby goat. Stopped to get it, and WOW. A real Albino Whitetail Deer. Just hours old, but doing fine. No Moma deer around. Another car nearly hit it in front of Mark...Well, he is THE neatest thing any of us ever saw. And such a 'freak of nature', that only 1 in more than a million are even born. He took his bottle of food, followed us around the house, doing great. So, we called the Zoo & Fossil Rim, who were both interested, but going to send him to a Rehab farm, at a vet that we have never gotten along with... So, one of Dad's best friends is our Game Warden. Kinda reluctantly, but, I called him and told him the deal. He came right over, of course... and assured me that he wouldn't take it to that vet, that he was going to 'go to higher levels' than that with him..So, he is gone now.We got a lot of pix, and something we will never see again probably, so it was very cool. Maybe he will make it in captivity somewhere and be appreciated. So rare... Sure wanted to keep him tho. but, not the thing to do. And not LEGAL either;But, here are a couple of pix to show ya. He was snow white, pink eyes, ears, nose and hooves. Kids called him POWDER.He was SO small. That is my shoe lying beside cool is that??This was e-mailed to me by one of my good friends so do the same for one of your friends and:
Pass this around, a lot of folks have never and will probably never see even another picture of an Albino deer fawn......

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Tribute to the VA .(posted on my blog at:
I was sent last summer to Biloxi,Ms. In order to receive external beam radiation treatments at Kesler AFB and stayed at the VA domiciliary in Biloxi. I had received 14 treatments(one treatment a day, five days a week and I needed a total of 39 treatments) and on Mon. The 29th. Katrina hit this area. The destruction was unbelievable and widespread, the VA facility at Gulfport was damaged beyond repair and Kesler AFB sustained heavy damage with severe flooding, the hospital was flooded losing medical records and equipment. The VA hospital and facility at Biloxi suffered severe damage and flooding. However due to the tremendous effects by the entire staff, myself and the other patients did not miss a hot meal all during this ordeal. By wed. morning the staff had arranged transportation for myself and the other medical patients to Jackson, Ms. At the G.V.(Sonny) Montgomery,VA Medical Center. We made this trip in a convoy of rental u-haul-it trucks,vans and one bus.As there was nothing open (no electric power)between Biloxi,Ms. and Jackson,Ms. we were forced to use the woods along the highways for calls of nature,this made it very difficult for the patients in wheelchairs and the ones on walkers or crutches. However the drivers,nurses and the other members of the staff that came with us were helpful in every way possible to make the trip as easy as they could. We arrived here at 8P.M. after a long and tiring trip with many delays due to the destruction. Here we were greeted at the entrance by the Jackson staff who had stayed over to get us checked in and they even had arranged for a hot meal,which was greatly appreciated, as we had no food or drinks except for the provisions that had been brought along in coolers from Biloxi. They had imported teams of nurses and other personnel from all over the U.S. to assist the facility here to handle all the medical patients that were being sent here from the entire area hit by Katrina. It is a true tribute to the VA to realize that by Wed. Addional personnel was arriving from as far away as Pittsburg,Pens. I want to give special thanks to the team from the VA facility at Whispering Pines,Tampa Fl., the staff at the Radiation therapy dept. at Jackson who by Thurs. Morning was giving us our treatments and even arranged to work Sat. In order to catch up on the treatments we had missed.( The treatments on the 29th. And 30th.)The radiation therapy dept at Keeler who gave us such outstanding care and the staff at the hospital at the KeeslerAFB, who entered the flooded rooms and got the medical records out of the rooms and spread them on the lawn to dry in the sun so they could be transmitted to our doctors in Jackson, Ms. To ensure that we received the best treatments possible.This was done because all the electronic equipment including all the computers were made inoperative by the flooding. It is impossible for me to describe the professionalism and the concern for the patients exhibited by the entire staffs in both the VA facilities I stayed at. Hearing all the complaints about the governmental response to this national disaster, I do not know about the other governmental agencies(Fema,etc.)but they all could take a lesson from the VA. Signed: F.J. Palmer
added special thanks to :John R. Sherman,Domiciliary Officer at the VA facility in Biloxi and his entire staff .,Kevin O’Leary and Dr. Horak at the VA Urology Clinic at the Pensacola Naval Hospital.,Dr. Jai,at the radiation dept. at Jackson,the library staff at Jackson,and the warehouse manager at Jackson who in addition to his regular job was delivering medical supplies and generators to the Biloxi area and helped me recover my auto that I had left in Biloxi. And all the other Doctors and their staffs that give such outstanding service.Also to all the other patients whom I had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with, in particular Mr. I.C.Brewton.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Occasional postings of my impressions of people I see on the Tv: Edward Kennedy/moralely bankrupt rich boy whose older brothers inherited all his parent's decent genes leaving him with all the trash genes,John Kerry/used car salesman,Al Lieberman/worthy presidential candidate,Sen. Carl Levin/small town speed trap judge,Nancy Pelosi/alley cat. Signed Zarc

Monday, February 13, 2006

I hear that Cindy Sheehan is now pals with Chavaz(a sworn hater of the U.S.) and who owns along with his government 100% of Citgo oil. Would a boycott help to keep these profits from going into the hands of our enemy

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The Warden and me. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I have been hearing a lot of whining and clabber about losing our civil liberties due to our government's intercepting calls of suspected members of Al Qaeda.,the NSA electronic surveillance programs,the patriot Act, wiretapping and the Fisa courts,( the warden does not let me out into the yard much anymore but I still get a lot of info over the grapeline) and a lot of wild thoughts flash thru my mind for example: our enemies from within?, the support given the British Army by the Tories during the American Revolution, Benedict Arnold,5th. coll. Movements within the U.S.?,home grown enemies of the U.S.,Moles and secret cells in the U.S. (planted here by our enemies from outside the U.S.), and at last hearing some of the comments by our elected officials ,I wonder about fellow travellers? and the phobia about keeping secret any knowledge about their activities some of these officials have . signed by Zarc P.S. Can someone out there please elaborate on , or explain some of these wild thoughts of mine?, any comments will be appreciated.

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