From The Padded Cell

Friday, September 05, 2008

With the recent nominations of the VP's the American voters now have the opportunity to decide on who we want to fill this office. On one hand we have the democratic choice, Sen. Joe Biden, one of the oldest members of our do nothing congress, who represents the politics as usual and the good old boy Establishment that has been a disgrace to their office and a insult to the voters who elected them. With this selection we all know that the slogan of Obama and the Democratic party "Change that you can believe in" is just more of the same old " promise them anything, they do not have the common sense to know s--- from shinola." On the other hand we have a fresh new face in Gov. Sarah Palin,a real down to earth, working housewife,and her five children and a husband who works as a commercial fisherman and in the oil fields, at last a family that we can relate to,(I know that there has never been a day in their lives that they have not been proud of their country) with all the problems of the average American family. For all you young voters and especially for you women of America who have been soul-searching to find the right person to fill this office and perhaps be the next president of this great country of ours. To borrow a saying from the early settlers of this country who were also searching for a partner to face the long hard journey to the West with " this is a gal that you can cross the river with" signed Zarc (

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