From The Padded Cell

Thursday, February 23, 2006

With all the viruses and Trojan horses showing up on the internet I recall a story years ago that in a particular neighborhood in one of our larger cities that the insurance companies noticed that they were paying out an exhorbant amount of claims for broken windshields so they investigated and found out that one outfit that specialized in replacing windshields was paying kids to throw beer bottles thru windshields in this neiborhood in order to increase there business. Makes one wonder if there is some connection between the outbreak of viruses and the solfware companies that sell virus protection programs,perhaps an adaptation of the protection racket???????? Ocassional(whenever I get around to it)impressions of people in the news.Pres. Bush/our country is damm luckey to have him as president.Jimmie Carter/good man but can not accept that their is evil in this world.George Bush Sr./One of our better former presidents.John Mccain/an honorable public official.Sen. Bryd/old man you have to respect,even when disagreeing with him.Al Gore/egghead with hoof and mouth desease.Donald Runsfeld/public official doing a great job.Condie Rice/worthy presidential candidate.Collan Powell/another worthy presidential candidate.Sandy Berger/should be in jail.Ann Coulter/nice to look at and great to hear her speak with a lot of understanding on all issues.Cindy Sheehan/mother whose grief has clouded her vision.John Dean/side show barker in a circus.


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