From The Padded Cell

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I have been hearing a lot of whining and clabber about losing our civil liberties due to our government's intercepting calls of suspected members of Al Qaeda.,the NSA electronic surveillance programs,the patriot Act, wiretapping and the Fisa courts,( the warden does not let me out into the yard much anymore but I still get a lot of info over the grapeline) and a lot of wild thoughts flash thru my mind for example: our enemies from within?, the support given the British Army by the Tories during the American Revolution, Benedict Arnold,5th. coll. Movements within the U.S.?,home grown enemies of the U.S.,Moles and secret cells in the U.S. (planted here by our enemies from outside the U.S.), and at last hearing some of the comments by our elected officials ,I wonder about fellow travellers? and the phobia about keeping secret any knowledge about their activities some of these officials have . signed by Zarc P.S. Can someone out there please elaborate on , or explain some of these wild thoughts of mine?, any comments will be appreciated.


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