From The Padded Cell

Saturday, December 22, 2007

I WAS REMINDED THE OTHER DAY THAT THIS WAS THE SEASON TO BE FORGIVING OF OTHERS FOR THEIR SHORTCOMINGS, SO IN THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS, I'AM ADDING THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE TO MY CHRISTMAS LIST: SEN.HARRY REED,REP. NANCY PELOSI,SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES,SEN.CARL LEVIN,SEN.HILLARY CLINTON AND BILL,SEN.JOHN MURTHA, AND ALL THE OTHERS WHO HAVE such wrong headed remarks regarding the war in Iraq and the recent surge such as; our majority leader, Harry Reed saying that the war in Iraq was lost!and I have to admit that I was pleased to hear John Murtha admit that he was wrong in condemning the surge by Gen.David Petraeus and criticizing the Gen. this last year, and now he admits that the surge has been successful. I regret that so far he is the only one of these numnuts who has had the courage to admit their mistakes)However, as I have stated in the spirit of the season, I'am sending all of them a large box OF handy wipes, so they can wipe all the egg off their faces in time for their holiday meal of CROW!! AND A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON TO ALL. signed ZARC P.S. I just found out today that Gen.David Petraeus was named by Time as "Person of The Year" runner-up ,stating that:Most Americans know Petraeus best from his performance at congressional hearings in Washington last September, a moment of some discomfort for him. One suspects, though, that the general takes greater satisfaction from the innocent humanity he sees spilling back into the Baghdad streets on his regular helicopter tours of the city at dusk — and from the knowledge that he may be remembered as the man who taught the U.S. military how to transform anarchic war zones into communities again.

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