From The Padded Cell

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sorry I have not posted anything as of late because I want to upchuck every time I turn on the news and hear over and over all the dimcrats and dammcrats bullcrap. ( and for crist sakes bury the bitch (Anna nicole Smith) and get on with it.) however a few weeks ago shooting the bull with some of my friends ,one of them made the remark that he suspected that some members of our congress may be aiding and abetting al quida and the Taliban with more than just their comments, they may have gone as far as giving financial help plus military secrets. At the time I did not want to belief that this could be possible no matter how lacking in moral character some of them are. But when I heard the new regarding the recent bomb blast at Bagram air base ,30 miles north of Kabul and our vice president Cheney was at the base at the time of the blast it makes me stop and think, could be that my friend was on to something. I now believe that there needs to be an congressional inquiry into this possible assassination attempt and leak of military secrets. signed Zarc


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